How it started

Our journey began like so many others - poor health created by a modern diet without proper nutrition.

After years of pain, diagnosis after diagnosis, meds, and surgery- we began thinking, “Why not explore natural remedies?” Herbs can do anything we need. While studying and discovering natural resources for ourselves, friends and family began asking for custom blends for their own ailments. Studying herbs and their efficacy on the body, it is understood to be the cause of drastic health improvement for so many that we have helped. And that is how Purged With Hyssop was born.

Herbs can be used in a variety of ways. Knowing that the skin is the body’s largest organ, there are several methods of consumption - absorbed during baths, infused in oils, incorporated in skincare, etc. No need to limit its application!

We are here for information and education- we wanted to provide products and ideas to help others as we have helped ourselves - using nature’s medicine. Allow us to show you how herbs can change your life too 🌱🌿