Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make the tea?

One teaspoon of herbs per 8 ounces of water (spring water is preferred). Boil the water and add the herbs. Remove from heat. Let sit 20-30 mins. Strain herbs from tea. Let tea cool to an acceptable temperature (we recommend not to drink too much hot tea - it can cause tooth sensitivity and headaches for some).

Teas can be mixed unless specified in the description (i.e. RESET pairs great with The Total Package! 8 oz of RESET + 8 oz of The Total Package = 16 oz of goodness! Can be sipped all day :)

Use how you see fit - make a great tonic according to your needs!

How often should I take the tea?

Directions: Take tea 2-3 times a day. Some teas (i.e. The Total Package) can be taken routinely. Other teas (i.e. ALL of the “Quick Fixes”) should be taken only until resolution. If there is a separate “use period” this information can be found in the product’s description. Although tea does not need to be taken each day, like any regular medication, herbs build up in your system. There needs to be a constant supply in order to have the intended effect.

How do I store them and how long do the herbs last?

Store in a cool and dry place; keep closed and out of the sun. If stored properly, herbs will last 3-5 years. They will not “expire” if stored improperly, but they will rapidly lose potency.

Each blend is 8oz. With regular use (2-3 teaspoons per day) each blend will last 3 weeks - one month. Use regularly for optimal health!

Can I reuse the herbs?

Yes! We have gotten second uses out of the herbs. Also, don’t discard them! We believe in recycling - use them for composting. Your garden will thank you :)

Does my diet matter?

ALWAYS. What we put in our body (or lack thereof) is of the utmost importance. Food is medicine. Everything we eat and drink will either help or harm us. Dairy, alcohol, meat, and sugar are detrimental to our health. Our diets should consist of fruits and vegetables - the colors of the rainbow WITHIN the respective season for that food item. Maintain youth and vitality by eating as much nutrient-dense, organic, non-GMO, locally grown, whole foods as possible. If you choose to be alkaline raw vegan, great! If not, life is about balance. Expect to take away from your health what you put into it.

I do not see the blend I want. Can you help me?

Please leave us a comment for requests. We are interested to hear what is most wanted for new releases. Then check back with us for more products coming soon!

What about refunds?

We do not provide any refunds, exchanges, or substitutions at this time. Please ensure to double-check your items before purchasing. Product will be replaced if damaged in transit following submitted claim.

Do you ship internationally?

We do not ship internationally at this time. We hope soon though so check back with us!